Lindy Hop – Pennant Hills

When? – I am running a series of 10 introductions and social dances on all Tuesday evenings (except the first of the month) in September, October and November.

Where? – The dance is held in the Pennant Hills Leisure and Learning Centre which is at 8 Warne Street Pennant Hills NSW 2120. It is very close to Pennant Hills station and there is plenty of parking available

19:00 – 20:00 Introduction Lesson – I will start an introduction assuming you have two left feet and moving into dancing swing to big band music. Although each lesson will be different, you can start with any lesson since I will always cover the basics. You don’t need a partner nor do you need to attend all lessons.

20:15 Social Dancing – Try out what you’ve learnt to classic Lindy Hop music. Remember to ask people to dance because, that way, you’ll get maximum enjoyment from the evening whether you are a lead or a follow.

Cost – The small charge is to cover the cost of hiring the hall, equipment, insurance, etc. and you have options: $25 on the door, $20 if you book a ticket and $150 if you book a ticket for all 10 sessions (representing a 40% discount on the door cost). You can book tickets on TryBooking.

Keep me posted – If you’d like me to keep you posted with updates (or have suggestions for music that you’d like to dance to), please complete the form below: